lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

9º Anne Frank Project

Date to deliver: June 3rd.

Read carefully all the instructions in the way that your work be delivered on time and in the requested format, way or electronic mean. If you have any question. be free to ask me.


Anne Frank

Worksheet 1


Date:___________________________ Group:___________

Based on the movie "The Diary of Anne Frank"

  1. Write down 20 questions you (as a reporter) would ask Anne -in a radio interview- if she were still alive.

  2. Step into Anne's mind and situation and answer the above questionnaire (your reporter's questions) in the back of it or in a separate paper. (Be careful, you can not make up information, the answers should be based on Anne experiences and real facts)

  3. Record the interview on your cel phone as an audio one (not a video) and just the reporter part without answers and send it to my mail in a format that I can open with real player or windows media. (Please the file should be named as radio interview and have to has your name, ie. radiointerviewale)


Anne Frank

Worksheet 2


Date:___________________________ Group:___________

Based on the Diary, the History facts and the movie….

  1. Create a booklet (a little book, half paper size), write the Anne Frank biography.

  2. List important information that would be included. Referent to the world wide situation (previous and on that moment) and a time line. (visit www.diarioshistoricos.blogspot and go to World War II section)

  3. Include a commentary page or an endorsement (final comment) page; Also include an index page. (You should create and write your comments, etc)

  4. Write the title of your booklet, your name as an author and an illustration in the front page.

  5. Analyze and answer the following questions and create a section in your booklet for them with an appropriate heading…( be sure to give factual information and write the reference for each one in which you base your opinion)

    *Diary entries related to the question.

    1. Are there times when you feel Anne is wrong in how she judges someone else? *(4/2/43. 8/24/42. 9/2/42. 9/27/42. 9/28/42. 4/2/43. 7/13/43. 7/29/43. 8/4/43. 8/9/43. 10/17/43. 10/29/43. 1/12/44. 1/28/44. 2/16/44. 6/16/44. 7/6/44)

    2. Many times the way we see ourselves is totally different from the way other see us. How does Anne see herself? How does she describe herself? How does she think she changes as she lives through 25 months hiding? *(9/28/42. 1/30/43. 8/10/43. 1/2/44. 1/5/44. 3/7/44. 2/12/44. 2/19/44. 2/27/44. 3/2/44. 3/7/44. 3/23/44. 3/28/44. 4/4/44. 4/6/44. 4/28/44. 5/5/44. 5/7/44. 7/15/44. 8/1/44)

    3. How does she view the war and the need to go into hiding? Why do you think she takes this view? *(7/11/42. 10/9/42. 1/13/43. 3/25/43. 5/1/43. 5/18/43. 7/26/43. 11/27/43. 1/15/44. 1/28/44. 2/3/44. 2/23/44. 3/29/44. 4/14/44. 5/22/44. 6/15/44. 7/21/44)

  6. Forces of antagonism: conflict occurs in her life on all three levels (self, personal world and social world) almost constantly. Write down examples from her entries…
    1. Man vs. self
    2. Man vs. personal world (family, loved ones, friends)
    3. Man vs. society/nature

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Superstition Survey


1) You have to ask 20 people this survey and answer in a page to each one (20 answer pages)

2) You have to analize the survey and make a graphic (bar/pie chart) , (in a rotafolio or cardboard paper) with the answers

3) you have to write your conclutions about this topic (at leat 3 paragraphs with hat) to expalin in class

This has to be delivered and exposed on Tuesday, May 10

Name: ________________________ Age: ______ Schooling: ____________________

  1. Are you superstitious? Yes No
  2. Did you do some superstitious activities? Yes No
  3. Did you usually read the horoscope? Yes No
  4. Did you pay to someone to read your future? Yes No

    If yes, which divination method was used? _______________________

  5. Did you have/wear any amulet? Yes No

    If yes, which one? _______________________

  6. Did you have any mania that you can not avoid, related or not with superstition?
  7. Mark Believe or Not believe to the following issues…




Do not Believe (NO)

13th number is for bad luck always

666 is an evil number

Do not leave the house if you hear a lizard calling, bad things could happen

Do not sleep with your head facing west

If a black cat crosses your path, you will have good luck all day

If you begin the New year with money in your shoe will bring you economic prosperity

If you drop a tortilla, you will have lots of company

If you drop salt, you should throw some over your left shoulder

If you eat a mango from South Baja California (San Jose) you will never leave

If you sweep the floor In New Years eve you put the bad luck out of your house for the next year

If you wear red underwear in New Year's eve you will find the love

If you wear yellow underwear in New Year's eve you will have a lot of happiness

In New Year's eve you must eat a tablespoon of lentils to have prosperity

In New Year's eve, you must eat a grape by each ring of the clock and ask for a wish and they will come true

Is risky to look in a mirror in the evening

It's unlucky to broken a mirror (13 years of bad luck)

It's unlucky to meet somebody on the stairs and walk past them

It's unlucky to walk under a ladder

It's very unlucky when the 13th is Friday or Tuesday

Never cross a black cat's path

Never get your hair cut on a Wednesday

Number 3. 7 and 9 nine are for good luck

Take out briefcases on New Years eve mean that you will travel a lot next year

The Evil eye "mal de ojo"can cause all sort of calamities to people, and is down by jealousy and envy.

Wear a rabbit foot or a horse shoe is for good luck

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

High School
2nd Semester

Debate: Moon Landing, Fact or Fiction?

By teams you need to gather information even against or for to be able to debate in classroom using real issues

1. Go to the next link ...

this are a 12 related videos talking about the 1st landind and other landings such apollo mission, etc. Just focuss on this first landing of 1968. Check out the first three or four and take notes.

2. Go to the next link abouth Mythbusters tv show to obtain another point of view
(Moonwalk hoax)...

(Moon rubbish) ...

(Lunar Lunacy)

(Moon Hoax)

(Moon landing Photo hoax)

3. This link is about the FOX tv channel

Remember that you must take a side even if you are agree or not.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

7th graders
Book Report
For the Month of November-december 2010
Book: "The adventure of the creeping man"
By: Arthur Conan Doyle
Pgs: 11

Sir arthur Conan Doyle
Was a Scottish physician and writer, he born on May 22nd, 1859 and died on July 7th, 1930. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories. He used to write about crime fiction, science fiction and adventures novels.


1) Go the following link:
2) It is going to open in pdf format, save it in your PC files.
4) Read it.
5) When finish, Make the Book Report (use the Book Report format that is at the end of the Creative Writing section of your book)
6) Send it to the following mails:
7A: To Miss Ale Avalos:
7B: To Miss Monica Maldonado:
7) Date to deliver: before November 30th, 2010

Remember that in your bimonthly exams there will be some comprehension questions about the book.
8th Graders
Book Report

Book: "The Undergroung City"
By: Jules Verne
Pgs: 205

Jules Verne
Was born in 1828 in France and died in 1905, he was a French Novelist who help pioneer the science-fiction as we enjoy today, Verne wrote about earth, space, air and underwater travel before all of these were possible to humankind. He is the Second most translated author of all time.

1)Go to the following link:
2)click on the arrow. Download The Underground city
3)click on the tab: Press to download
4)As you read, make your own new/unknown words glossary
5)Write your Book Report (use the format that is at the end of the Creative writing section of your book) and attach the glossary in the same document.
5)Send it to Miss Francis email:

The book has 19 chapters, so you are going to read the book as follows:
October: Chapters 1,2,3
November - December: Chapters: 4 to7
January -February: Chapters: 8 to 11
March - April: Chapters: 12 to 15
May - June: Chapters 16 to 19

Date to deliver: before November 29th 2010

Remember that in your bimonthly exam there will be Comprehension questions about the book.

1st Semester
High School
Book Report

Book: "The House of the Seven Gables"
By: Nathaniel Hawthorne
No. pages: 141

Nathaniel Hawthorne:
Was born in 1804 in Salem, Mass USA and died in in 1864, He was a Novelist, Short Story Writer, Custom House worker and United States Consul. His novels belong to the Literary movement Dark Romanticism.

1) go to the following link:
2) download the file in pdf format according the instructions
3) Read it
4) Make your own new/unknown words glossary as you read
5) Write a Book Report in the format given in class including your glossary
6) Send it to my email:

You are going to read the book as follows and will send the Book Report via email

October: Chapters 1 to 8
November Chapters 9 to 15
December: Chapters 16 to 21

Remember that in your exams I'm going to ask some questions about the book and the read chapters until that period.

9th Graders
Book Report
for February 25th, 2011 (before 2:00 pm)
Movie: "Abraham Lilcoln " part 1 to10
By: Discovery Education

Abraham Lilcoln was the 16th presiedent of the United States
. Historians says that he was the best American president ever. He was assasinated in the Ford Theater.

Intructions: To watch the movies...
1) go youtube and acces the following link

2) This is the Video part 1
3) Follow the next videos up to10
4) Write your Movie Report (use the Movie Report format I gave you),
5) Send it to my mail:
4) I'll make comprehension questions about it in your bimonthly exam.